Friday, August 26, 2011

Sketches and 3D Design

For a long while, I am trying to break free of my very 'asian' oriented sort of art, and make it more stylistic, more loose, and expressive. I have been experimenting greatly, and this can be seen in various of my sketches that I'm sharing below. All of these were done in my spare time, while I was very much in a 'doodling' and experimental sort of mood. You will have to forgive some of the quality and odd 'wavy' pattern in some of the sketches. Unfortunately, some water had spilled over into my purse, but I still tried to salvage the paper after it was dry. It's not perfect, but it still gets the job done.

^ The nude image is probably closest to what my original style is. the nose is undefined, and there is no definition in the cheeks, near where the eye is. I am striving to change this, and make it a little more realistic in nature. What you see in this page is a result of that. I believe my most successful is the large headshot to the right of the page.

^Overall, I am happy with this page, however, the male in the top right corner (who we will call Olive) I am very unhappy with. I believe something is wrong with the face shape and eyes. Nevertheless, I am displeased. As for the image on the left, I feel this one is a lot more successful. Particularly with the expression, and the way his arm bends and his hand is settled just under his chin. Yet, the woman on the bottom is the favorite of them all. I may, in the future, revisit this and make it a full body profile shot, walking away. I can imagine her shooing off other men looking her up and down. The snobbiness in her expression is clear, and I am very pleased with her profile, and the way her top drapes over her body. It shows a good range of motion, and folds that I am proud of.

^ There are several things I am displeased with here, and several more that I am pleased with. I will address the one I am displeased with most here, and that would be the one woman's face near the center of the page. Something in her face does not sit well with me here. As a whole, this page sat with a number of practice attempts with expressions. I think the most successful expression would be the woman's at the top, showing her displeasure at whatever her eyes are fixated on. The same can be said for the woman in the bottom left corner. Concerning the two males in this image, I am very happy and pleased with them both, and can't imagine much that needs to be fixed. Perhaps some fine tuning?

^I can say proudly that I am proud of most everything on this page. From the males expression to the top (even if the hand needs some more work), to the piggyback ride at the bottom. May I say, as well, I very much adore the looseness of the woman's pose at the top left. It feels so much more free and relaxed. The profile image at the bottom, however, is not very...well executed. I think it would be best to just be redone entirely, or throw it in the trash.  

I hope to have more sketches like these in the future, perhaps even a few that are digital, and to throw in some WIP. On another, more serious note, however, I began 3D Design this week. The class was...intimidating, to say the least, but we started off slow and did sketches. The point of them was to break down the object we were given into basic shapes and show different views of them (Plan, Front, and Side). I will have to revisit these with a straight edge or ruler, and Professor DuMont told me I also had to work on my proportions. I suppose it's expected, as this is only the beginning of the semester. I can only hope to improve with time. I can't get any worse. So, I'll finish this post with a few sketches we have done in class.

Apologies that some of these scanned images aren't that clear!! But you can hopefully still get an idea of what I am working on.

It's going to be an interesting semester. :D