Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Apps for your Art

Until a month ago, I had never been able to get my hands on Apps for the iPod, iPhone, Android phones, etc. Of course, I'd heard of them, and of course I was jealous of all the things that people continued to brag about. I needed something like that. Well, I suppose 'needed' was a strong word, but it would certainly make my life easier, wouldn't it? It was certainly worth a shot.

So, with all my money saved up, I bought myself a nifty little iPod Touch, 8g, 4th generation, right at 200$. I was lucky to get it just when the price had dropped. I believe my timing was absolutely perfect. And oh god, do I love that little thing :) 

(Without cover, how it looked straight out of the box)

It has already earned my money, and more. Maybe this is a strong statement, but I fully believe it was worth it. :) It's sleek, and pretty. Though, I am well aware that it is...a fragile device. I have heard and known of people who have dropped and cracked their screen, like a massive spiderweb across the glass. You know who you are. <3 So, without hesitation, I bought myself a cheap (temporary) case for it, until I can afford something more sturdy.

(With cover, and my custom Joker background. <3 )

Needless to say, the second I had the thing booted up, I began searching for (free) apps. Apps for fun, Apps that could be put to good use, and, of course, Apps that can be used for my art. I've come across a few nifty things. Things that I believe other people might find entertaining, or just plain, well...useful. And Free. I must emphasize the free. As I am a very stereotypical starving artist, paying for things like this, is well, simply not in the cards. Unfortunately, I have to be very careful with whatever money I happen to have.

By now, I only a small collection of little handy applications that I have come across. Nevertheless, I believe someone out there would find them useful. And if not...well, it's fun to write about :) And I need more blog posts.

The first application I downloaded for myself was one that I came across long before I was even able to afford this iPod. I first came across the website and I have long found it useful when I am stuck in a tight spot when I face a blank sketchbook page. The website, www.posemaniacs.com has helped me out on more than one occasion. I highly suggest you take a look at it if you are an Illustrator like myself, or would just like a little reference. They have a massive database of poses for female, male, adult, and children. Headshots, hand references, etc. And it's all organized at the sidebar for you to see for yourself. It's surprisingly easily to navigate throughout it.

It was to my great delight that I discovered they had an application. :) A mobile version for this website and database. Granted, you cannot navigate it as easily, nor can you search for a particular pose, but they will completely randomize a pose for you to pick from. This makes for helpful practice if you ever find yourself in a pinch. Appropriately, the app is called 'Random Pose' and can be found in the Apple Store, or you can follow this link Here!

Now the next app I did not come across on my own, though, I believe that photographers will find this one highly useful.

I take a Photography I class at Memphis College of Art. Now, mind you, this is not my concentration, but I thought this would be a fun class to take and learn from, or even help me in my Illustrations. We develop the film ourselves and develop the prints. This isn't a digital camera sort of class. We're going back to the basics with black and white photography.

And I'm going to be honest.
It was beyond frustrating when every roll of film I tried to develop turned out overexposed.

I struggled and struggled to try and salvage at least a few frames, but this was a difficult task. Especially when I was still not entirely certain how to handle my camera. Eventually, however, my Professor revealed a helpful application to me that I was finally able to put to good use with my photography. It is a light meter for my iPod. A light meter to measure the amount of light in the shot, and, according to the measurements, will tell me what settings to put my camera on so that I can avoid overexposing my film.

...I wish I had known of this thing months ago.
If any of you want to avoid the frustration I had, I beg of you...just go HERE so that you don't cry a little on the inside when your entire roll of film (and hard work) goes to waste. 

Okay, so I may have mentioned that I'm an Illustrator on more than one occasion, so I find this ironic that there are more apps in this blog referring to Photography than ones for drawing. Nevertheless, I found this one fun and exciting! And could not help but share, anyway. :)

I'll start by saying I...enjoy taking new photos of myself for my Facebook page. I am conceited. Very much so, but I find great joy in doing it. It gives me a confidence boost and makes a little more optimistic of how I hold myself up :) I think for an amateur photographer this would be a handy app. The same could be said for any person that continues Photography a hobby of theirs.

The application is called Instagram <--- Find it here! 

The app allows you to point and shoot and then add convincing effects and modifications to it, in order to find tune the image that is something at least a little bit prettier, and fine tuned. It comes with a massive amount of effects that can be used: Early Bird, Amaro, Inkwell, Kelvin, etc.

Below are a series of Before and After shots, taken with my iPod camera.

^ All of the above were taken with the Amaro edit. :) One of my favorites, in addition to Rise and Early Bird. 

While we're on the subject, iPods have a surprisingly good quality camera for a little device. :) I suppose that should be expected for a 200$ device. Now, back to the app. :) Once you have your picture all edited and pretty, you have the option of uploading it to FB or sharing it on the Instagram app with other Instagram users. Nifty, huh? I suggest taking a look around at other people's photography on there (all of which were photographed with their phone/ipod/etc.)... They're all surprisingly impressive.  

Currently, these are all the apps that I currently I have in regards to my art, but I am anxious to find more than might come in handy! :) I highly enjoy my iPod and find that it was a great investment. <3

Now to take more pictures... <3

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