Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sketch Dump and Rambling

Prepare for a long post ahead! I have a lot to say, and an unlimited amount of text to do so. You see, let's think back to my very first post. I opened up with a sketch dump, for the most part. And I would like to do the same here. The problem? Well, I have no access to the scanner, at least at the moment. You may ask 'Well, Brittany, why don't you just wait till you have a scanner?' 

Because I'm impatient.
That's why.

So, I came up with a solution. My Macbook has a camera, doesn't it? Of course it does! Is it as great as quality as a scanner? Of course not! But, at this point, I'm just so anxious to ramble about my sketches, that I don't really care more or less. It's probably a mistake. No, no, I take that back. I know it's a mistake, but the point of a blog is not about perfection. In fact, I think it's about something else entirely. It's about getting whatever is off your mind and letting others take a peak into what's going inside your head, and what's going on in your life. For once, 'invasion of privacy' does not apply anymore. You leave your whole mind open for the world to see and pick at and just read :)

It's a peek into what is you.

But perhaps I'm getting off topic. What was the point of this blog again? Oh yes, that's right. I was going to go on about my sketches. Or at least a few of them. I'm going to leave a few specific ones to another blog post concerning a lot of Batman. Yes. Batman. It will make more sense later!

Now, it's been a while, but even now I am still working on expanding on my style and making it more expressive and loose. This is a very important aspect for me, especially considering I am hoping to be an Illustrator. I don't want to be restrained to just one thing. I would be putting myself into a hole if that were the case.

Okay, so the quality isn't so good. Sue me :P Nevertheless, I love the expression on her face. I'm not quite sure what is going on at the moment, but it comes across that she has been caught in a private moment. As if she has been exposed. On another note, it's very... Egyptian like. On purpose, might I add! Haha. 

This...this was quite fun. :) This image is a very special one to me. Or at least the one to the left. Brandon was not feeling particularly well that day, and I did my best to try and make him feel better! It put a smile on my face to try and cheer him up :)

This image leaves a lot to be desired. A lot. You hear me? A lot. I wish he had more expression on his face. I was hoping that it would be a powerful moment. I wanted so much power and strength to come across, but I feel like I fell short of that, unfortunately. this one...this one has a lot of story behind it! :) Let me explain. I am...a Transformers fan. I'm crazy for it. Obsessed over it. I squeal whenever I see the Bumblebee Camaro pass me on the road, like a little girl. My text tone on my phone is the sound of a Transformer going between vehicle and robot mode, and there is an Autobot insignia on the back of my bright red Volkswagen Beetle. Oh, my Bug. I love my Bug. It was because of that Autobot symbol on my car that I came up with a little story. What what if it really was an Autobot? How would he act? Yes. He. Because Autobots tend to be a 'He' more than a 'She'. Or at least it seems that way. So, I drew an individual that looked like he would have the personality of my lovely little gay car. That's how I got that image up there. That lanky male to hte right, giving you a snide look? The one saying "I do what I want, bitch."? Yeah. That's him. My car :) Sunspot. Haha. Yes. I named it. Yes, I'm very much crazy, but I very much enjoy being crazy! I revel in it. Then I went on to make similar things all over this page.

I love my life. :)

This image was great fun. <3 I love these two. Yes, they have names. Jamie & Iz. They are important people to me. And it is Jamie I tend to draw over and over again. He came about on his own when I began writing my stories. Jamie unique individual. But this is why I enjoy drawing him so much. From sis gauges, to his Deathhawk, to his snakebites, to his black-polished nails. It makes for great fun, and it's why I go back to drawing him over and over again. He is an important individual to me. Even if he is not real.

Did I mention I love Jamie? Yes, I love Jamie. :) And I do believe this proves it. After all, he is the only individual in this entire blog post that is worthy of being painted in all his rocker-glory. He is so full of energy and life! I absolutely love his hair. No. Seriously. 

I. Love. His. Hair. 

I saved the best for last. This is the sketch to my first commission of the semester. Granted, since this has been drawn, I have painted on a 1'x2' watercolor paper. It has marked a new mileage this year since I've come to MCA :) But what do I love most about this picture? When the girl had given her boyfriend this painting, the very same night he had proposed to her. 

Needless to say, it put a smile on my face, and realized why I am artist again.

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